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Cathodic protection design

To ensure safe operation of buried oil and gas storage tanks, a properly designed cathodic protection should be installed. Together with our design team you can find the optimum solution for cathodic protection of your buried storage tank.

External tank protection

For the external tank surface, cathodic protection could be established by either ICCP or sacrificial anodes. The ICCP system has higher capacity and longer lifespan, hence, sacrificial anodes are normally used for smaller tanks and as temporary protection.

ICCP system

Generally, two types of ICCP anodes are used:

Measurement equipment should be installed aside the tank for controlling the cathodic protection effect impressed by an accurately regulated control panel.

Yellow storage tank partly buried with cable-like polymer anode installed around the tank
Cable-like polymer anode installed around buried tank

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MasterCath® remote access software.

Sacrificial anodes

Magnesium anodes, prepacked in backfill are used due to the high driving voltage. Required number of anodes depends on the size of the tank and soil condition. As the self-corrosion of magnesium is rather high, the lifespan of the anodes are limited.

Internal tank protection

For tanks where condense water may be present, internal cathodic protection is normally arranged by sacrificial anodes cast on steel wire. The anode chain is installed in the tank bottom where the water is present. The anode chain length can be customised according to the tank size.

Zinc anode chain cast on wire
Zinc anode chain cast on wire

The design will be conducted in accordance with appropriate standards, as EN 13636.

Design request details – what we need to assist you

The following design input information would be requested:

  1. Geographical location.
  2. Tank drawing.
  3. Tank content (LPG, oil, etc.).
  4. External coating details.
  5. Tanks backfilling information (gravel, sand, soil, etc.).
  6. Surroundings in means of other buried metallic structures nearby the tank.
  7. Interface to plants and facilities.

If all the above details are yet not available, we can of course make assumptions and adjust as we go along.

ICCP or sacrificial anodes for buried tanks?

Cathodic protection systems with benefits and disadvantages.

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Make sure your tank is not an anode

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