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CathFlow® antifouling system (MGPS/ICAF)

CathFlow® electrolytic antifouling supresses corrosion and prevents mussels, barnacles and similar organisms from establishing in seawater systems.

The CathFlow® system works by releasing antifoulants (ions) in the seawater, forming an environment that mitigates corrosion and discourages organisms to adhere, grow and start breeding.

CathFlow® antifouling

The CathFlow® package for antifouling treatment usually consists of control panels in cabinet and anodes in seawater intake and/or beneath the box cooler.

CathFlow MGPS and ICAF item package

MGPS/ICAF antifouling explained

Marine growth preventions systems (MGPS) and impressed current anti-fouling (ICAF) systems are based on producing copper ions in very small concentrations, which is enough to prevent or reduce the ability of marine organisms (mussel and barnacle larvae) to settle and breed.

Instead of adhering to the surface of seachests, strainers, piping or box cooler tubes the mussles and larvae pass harmlessly through the cooling water system to the point of discharge. Learn more about the prinicples of electrolytic antifouling.

Copper based anitfouling anodes are often used in combination with aluminium or ferro based anodes to mitigate corrosion in pipe works, so called dual-action anodes for fouling & corrosion mitigation.

Box coolers

Copper rod anodes are well arranged underneat the box cooler to provide even distribution of antifoulants. The release of copper ions will create an environment that discourages marine growth at the box cooler and in the sea chests.

If the MGPS/ICAF system is properly designed and operated, the copper anodes will also provide cathodic protection of the sea chest.

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Avoiding box cooler safety risks

Box cooler with ICAF and sacrificial anodes
A proper setup of the MGPS/ICAF system and sufficiently arranged sacrifical anodes are essential to avoid corrosion in sea chests with box coolers.

Seawater inlet with flange anodes

Copper and aluminium/iron anodes in pair are installed in the sea chests to treat the seawater before entering the seawater piping. As the antifouling effect gradually decreases inwardly the piping system, complementary anodes may  be required in the cross-over tanks or in mud boxes for larger seawater systems.

MGPS and ICAF mounted in in seachests to prevent fouling and corrosion
MGPS and ICAF mounted in in seachests to prevent fouling and corrosion

Anodes underneath seawater inlet

In some cases it is recommended to install MGPS/ICAF anodes directly underneath the seawater inlet to ensure the antifoulants enter the pipings.

Rack mounted MGPS/ICAF anodes underneath the seawater inlet
Rack mounted MGPS/ICAF anodes underneath the seawater inlet

Anodes in mud box

Specially designed antifouling anodes for mud box can be mounted in strainer lids as shown in illustration below. This arrangement will treat the water against fouling in mud boxes and further upstream. You may also want to read more about antifouling anodes in strainers.

MGPS/ICAF antifouling anodes mounted at strainer lid
MGPS/ICAF antifouling anodes mounted at strainer lid

See different models of antifouling anodes and accessories.

MasterCath® – remote access software

MasterCath® works by pairing a remote computer with CathFlow® control panels for MGPS/ICAF antifouling systems onboard the vessel.

The software provides an intuitive dashboard with real time operational values, alarm detection and several other useful features.

MasterCath MGPS and ICAF operation screenshot
Remote computer screen dashbord of MGPS/ICAF antifouling for seawater system.

CathSense® ICCP systems for underwater hull protection can also be accessed through MasterCath®. Learn more about MasterCath® remote access sofware.

MGPS/ICAF spares available for most common makes and models

Spares and equipment for most common MGPS/ICAF makes and models are available from our stock points. See the range of MGPS/ICAF anodess.

You are welcome to contact our team of engineers for consultance regarding corrosion protection and marine growth prevention.
