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CathSense® ICCP for protection of submerged areas of offshore floaters

CathSense® ICCP system is designed to give predictable corrosion protection and low maintenance cost for 15-25 years.

CathSense® ICCP material package

CathSense® ICCP has the ability to cathodically protect the underwater hull of virtually any vessel, regardless of size and coating condition.

The CathSense® ICCP package consists of control panel in cabinet, and ICCP anodes and reference cells with cofferdams.CathSense ICCP item package

Disc anodes and reference electrodes are mounted in specially adapted cofferdams, welded below the water line, typically arranged as illustrated below. See the full range of ICCP products.

CathSense® –  designed to fit future demands for ship systems

MasterCath® – remote access software

MasterCath® works by pairing a remote computer with CathSense® ICCP control panels onboard the vessel.

The software provides an intuitive dashboard with realtime operational values, alarm detection and several other useful features.

MasterCath ICCP operation screenshot
Remote computer screen dashbord of ICCP system for underwater protection of a ship’s hull. The system displays also key values from the shaft grounding system.

CathFlow® control panels for MGPS/ICAF antifouling systems can also be accessed through MasterCath®. Learn more about MasterCath® remote access sofware.

ICCP explained

Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) systems have the benefit of an external power source to impose protective current. This makes it possible to protect any submerged structure, regardless of size and current requirement, by using long life anodes and appropriately sized power supplies. You may also read about design of corrosion protection for ships.

The most important feature of an ICCP system is the ability to continuously monitor the level of protection and adapt to the protective current required to stop corrosion. Learn more about the principles of cathodic protection.

Semisubmersible rigs

For external hull protection, there has been a change in technology from the seventies until today. Whilst cathodic protection used to be based on sacrificial anodes, it is now most often taken care of by ICCP.

Semi-submersible rig seen under and over water
Four (4) individual ICCP systems is a common arrangement for underwater protecion of semisubs.

Four individual ICCP systems is a common arrangement. Each impressed current system includes one control panel, two reference cells and four to six impressed current anodes. The systems will usually be set up to transmit measurements and performance data to the engine control room for regular monitoring.

Floating production/storage units (FPSO/FPU/FSO)

Offshore floaters can be equipped with ICCP systems, with a design similar to semisub MOU/rigs. For decades of continuous operation offshore, some further contingency should be added to the system design.

Floating storage unit (FSO) anchored offshore
Two to four individual ICCP systems is a common arrangement for underwater protecion of offshore floaters.

Offshore units with ship’s hull will be very suitable for installation of two ICCP systems; one forward and one aft. You may also want to read about design of corrosion protection for ships. Relevant design guidelines to follow can be summed up as:

  1. Contingency must be included in the system design.
  2. Number of ICCP anodes must be increased, for better current distribution and to reduce the consequence of possible later malfunction of any anode.
  3. Active MMO layer of the ICCP anodes must be designed for the expected lifetime of the project.
  4. Reference cells must be of a long-life design type.
  5. External hull components should be diver and ROV replaceable.


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