Building foundation protection
The effects of corrosion in building structures is not just a durability-related issue, the mechanical and structural properties can be affected. Cathodic protection can ensure your steel structures maintain its strength for several lifetimes.
Steel is certainly durable, but it is also highly susceptible to corrosion damage.
Steel structure foundations are incredibly durable, but only if correct protective measures are taken. When buried in moist surrounding soil the steel is susceptible to corrosion attacks.
Once formation of rust has started, the corrosion that develops can be extremely costly to repair. In worst case scenarios, the result of corrosion can become a safety hazard. Structural effects of corrosion can be:
Loss of strength as corrosion reduce the cross section of structure
Reduced fatigue strength as corrosion may accelerate fatigue crack propagation
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corrosion may be a complex process, preventing it is not
Design and installation of cathodic protection system is the most effective way to stop corrosion on underground steel foundations. Due to high electrolyte (soil) resistivity and long lifespan requirement, ICCP system is the preferred solution, arranged with high silicon iron anodes evenly distributed under the building with a certain distance to each steel pile. Reference cells should be located near some of the steel piles to measure the effect of the cathodic protection, picture the current distribution and regulate the control panel output.